iPod Shuffle loaded with Momu's New Album (including bonus tracks!) hidden somewhere in San Francisco
See this when you look up? You are standing right in front of what you seek.
The fun loving folks at Loöq Records have a gift for one of you fun loving and clever Momu Fans. It's an iPod Shuffle loaded with Momu's brand spanking new album "Momentum". The blue iPod is also engraved with the band and album names. In addition to the iPod, the winner will receive a chance to guest list themselves and 25 friends at Loöq Records weekly party Qoöl. The contest ends as soon as we hear from the winner. And don't worry. We'll let you know as soon as someone contacts us, so you don't go looking for something that's no longer there. Good luck! YOUR OFFICIAL CLUES ARE: The EVIDENCE POINTS to what you seek at the end of the TOWN'S END. Where there were once STEAMBOATS, is now cityscape. As you head WEST, HEDGE RIGHT. Your prize, wrapped in plastic, may not be in sight, but is within arm's reach.